Welcome to Divine Mercy Parish! Many blessings to you and your family.
The goal of Divine Mercy's Religious Education is provide support to all who seek to grow in their knowledge and love of Jesus Christ. Our elementary education program supports parents in the faith formation of their children. We hope to provide an enriching class experience which will give our children the knowledge of the Roman Catholic faith in order to participate fully at the holy sacrifice of Mass and appreciate the presence of God in their daily life.
Our Confirmation program focuses on preparing our young adults for the Sacrament of Confirmation and to develop their role as active members of the parish community. For any individual who has gaps in their religious education and wishes to receive any missing sacraments, please contact the religious education office at 508-883-2590.
We firmly believe that God created us to know Him, to love Him and to serve Him and others in this world and to be happy with Him in the world to come. It is through God’s love and our love for Him that we can grow into a true disciple of Christ. Divine Mercy’s Religious Education Programs are designed to provide a foundation for strong discipleship in each individual. We emphasize the three facets of prayer, study and Christian action which support a vibrant faith. It is our hope that through education, we may enable people to live joyfully; confident of the presence of Jesus in their life.
Divine Mercy's Religious Education: Curriculum Overview
The goal of our religious education program is to encourage children to build a personal relationship with Jesus and to learn about the Roman Catholic faith. Our religious education program has four main aspects or pillars of learning. These pillars are:
(1) Creed Concepts, what we as Catholics believe about God
(2) Worship Concepts, how we as a Church worship God through the celebration of the Mass and the Sacraments
(3) Christian Morality, living a Christ-centered life through the choices we make; this section includes study of the 10 Commandments, the Beatitudes, the Corporal & Spiritual Works of Mercy
(4) Prayer, a study of prayer to enable our children to build a lifelong relationship with God. Each grade will cover age appropriate material from each of these pillars of learning. For more information on what is emphasized in a specific year, please see below.
Grade 1:
The main focus of Grade 1 is the premise that God loves us. From this premise, children will learn about God as creator, as a loving father and as the person of Jesus. From Jesus, children will learn the basics of the church as a community.
Grade 2:
Children will explore their personal relationship with God, the significance of the Eucharist, and their role in our church community. These themes will play an important role in sacramental preparation as children will receive both First Reconciliation and First Communion this year.
Grade 3:
Our focus is to reinforce the creed concepts introduced in Grades 1&2 so as to nurture each child’s relationship with Jesus and the church community as well as to further their understanding of the Mass. Special attention will be paid to God as our Father, the church as our faith community and the events of the Paschal Mystery; the death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus.
Grade 4:
The major focus of this year’s work is living the faith, making choices and understanding consequences through a study of the 10 Commandments, the Beatitudes, and the Sacraments.
Grade 5:
Students will explore the idea of covenant with God in the Bible and the Bible as Sacred Scripture. We will use the Bible to learn about the life, death and resurrection of Jesus and the significance of the liturgical year.
Grade 6:
Building on the knowledge of the Bible from Grade 5, students will continue the study of scripture. In addition, students will focus on discipleship and the importance of bringing the knowledge of their faith into practice in their daily life. We will look at Jesus as our role model and explore the significance of the Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy.
Grades 7 & 8:
During these two years, students will use their knowledge of the faith from the elementary grades and begin to personalize their beliefs as they prepare for the Confirmation program. We will study in greater depth the Bible, the Mass, the significance of the Sacraments, the 10 Commandments and moral decision-making. The question “What Would Jesus Do?” is frequently explored.
Grade 9:
Using the Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, the students strengthen their relationship with the Holy Trinity through the study of their own Catholicism, the practices and teachings of the Catholic Church.
Also, various mini courses are offered for the students’ enrichment.
Sacrament of Reconciliation – How to Reinforce Ideas at Home
Begin with Baptism. We want children to understand that they are a part of God’s family. Baptism brings us into our community of faith.
Continue with the idea of family and talk about rules in your own home. The 10 Commandments are rules for God’s family. Commandments 1 – 3 teach us how to know God. Commandments 4 – 10 teach us how to get along with others. We may not understand every rule that our parents have for us, but their rules are because they love us and do not want us to get hurt. The 10 Commandments are God’s rules of love for us because God loves us and doesn’t want us to get hurt.
Do we always follow every rule that our parents give us or are there times when we CHOOSE to break their rules? What happens if we choose to break God’s rules? We call that sin. If we break our parent’s rules – are we cut off from them forever? NO – our parents might be disappointed, but they always love us. The same is true with God. Reconciliation is our way to make things right with God and to strengthen our love and friendship with God.
Break out the elements of Reconciliation:
– Think about what you have done (Examination of Conscience)
– Be sincerely sorry for any wrongs
– Say what you have done wrong & Ask for forgiveness
– Accept penance – that little something extra to make things right
– Say our Act of Contrition as a way of saying Sorry
– The priest will bless and forgive you (Give Absolution)
Practice: Give children different situations and ask them if its sin or an accident
Practice: Give children scenarios and ask what they would do
Practice: Act of Contrition
Remind them no one is perfect all the time. God loves us no matter what and will always forgive us if we want to be forgiven. Developing a conscience takes practice, practice, practice.
The Confirmation Preparation Program
Currently, the Confirmation Program at Divine Mercy Parish is a one year preparation for candidates in the 10th grade.
In addition to participating faithfully in the class sessions and attending Lord’s Day Mass regularly, each candidate must complete 5 hours of “Parish Service” as designated and approved by the Program coordinators. A Confirmation Retreat and “Letter of Intention” are also required. For those candidates who were baptized at a church other than Divine Mercy, St. Augustine Millville, St Paul Blackstone, or St Theresa Blackstone, please submit a copy of your baptismal certificate with your Registration Form.
The Sacrament of Confirmation, along with Baptism and Eucharist, is one of the three Sacraments of Initiation. The Confirmation Program is coordinated by Mrs. Deborah Campano under the guidance of Father John.
Divine Mercy Parish
Confirmation Program
The Sacrament of Confirmation
When students receive the sacrament of Confirmation, their soul receives a second mark from the Holy Spirit. Catholics receive their first mark of the Holy Spirit at Baptism. The sacrament of Confirmation celebrates a maturing of our love for Jesus and “confirms” our faith in Christ. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, students are able to share the Good News of Christ with others and are able to go forth to love and serve the Lord to the best of their God-given abilities.
Student Expectations
– Submit a “Letter of Intention to Receive the Sacrament of Confirmation”
– Submit a copy of Baptismal Certificate if not baptized at Divine Mercy, St. Augustine, St. Paul, or St. Theresa
– Participate in the Enrollment Ceremony Mass
– Responsible and Faithful class attendance
– Weekly attendance at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass on Sunday
– Schedule a regular time to pray in your life
– 5 hours of parish community service
– Schedule a personal interview with the Confirmation Coordinator
– Participate in the Confirmation Retreat
– Carefully choose a Confirmation Sponsor and submit a sponsor certificate
– Be a sincere Catholic Christian known for faith, good works and living in model of Christ